20 giu 2013

Brano del giorno: "Woke Up This Morning"

... degli Alabama 3

La voce sembrerebbe quella di Leonard Cohen, più o meno, ma questa non è una canzone del bardo di Montreal, né è lui a cantarla. L'autore di "Woke Up This Morning" è il frontman degli A3 (in Inghilterra e anche da noi più noti come Alabama 3), Rob Spragg, che venne ispirato da un fatto di cronaca.
Nel 1996 Sara Thornton accoltellò a morte il marito dopo aver subito per vent'anni abusi, violenze e umiliazioni di tutti i tipi.

You woke up this morning
Got yourself a gun,
Mama always said you'd be
The Chosen One.

She said: You're one in a million
You've got to burn to shine,
But you were born under a bad sign,
With a blue moon in your eyes.

You woke up this morning
All the love has gone,
Your Papa never told you
About right and wrong.

But you're looking good, baby,
I believe you're feeling fine, (shame about it),
Born under a bad sign
With a blue moon in your eyes.

You woke up this morning
The world turned upside down,
Thing's ain't been the same
Since the Blues walked into town.

But you're one in a million
You've got that shotgun shine.
Born under a bad sign,
With a blue moon in your eyes.

When you woke up this morning everything you had was
gone. By half past ten your head was going ding-dong.
Ringing like a bell from your head down to your toes,
like a voice telling you there was something you should
know. Last night you were flying but today you're so low
- ain't it times like these that make you wonder if
you'll ever know the meaning of things as they appear to
the others; wives, mothers, fathers, sisters and
brothers. Don't you wish you didn't function, wish you
didn't think beyond the next paycheck and the next little
drink' Well you do so make up your mind to go on, 'cos
when you woke up this morning everything you had was gone.

When you woke up this morning,
When you woke up this morning,
When you woke up this morning,
Mama said you'd be the Chosen One.

When you woke up this morning,
When you woke up this morning,
When you woke up this morni
You got yourself a gun. 

L'altro autore della canzone è Jake Black (da non confondersi con Jack Black, l'attore-rockettaro!).

L'album da cui è tratta: Exile on Coldharbour Lane (1997).

"Woke Up This Morning" è la sigla della serie televisiva Sopranos (su una famiglia italo-americana dedita a... affari di mafia, diciamo così; con buona pace dei tanti italo-americani onesti che ne hanno abbastanza di essere sempre classificati come mafiosi!).

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