3 ago 2019

Riscopriamo... i No-Man

I No-Man sono un gruppo musicale inglese, formatosi nel 1987 e costituito dal cantante Tim Bowness e dal polistrumentista Steven Wilson. Questo è uno dei loro brani più belli. Assolutamente mesmerico...


you survived another winter.
you survived where nothing grew.

the days felt cold and never changing,
so you just slept the whole way through.

when you think about the future,
it's like the past, but hard and small.

an old idea you stole from someone.
a borrowed dream that's born to fall.


take a taxi through the snow
tell them you love them,
don't let go.

through the tunnel moving slow,
tonight's there's nowhere
you won't go.

you survived yourself.
you survived inside the lost world.
the dreams of love repeat.

subways sing with heated calls --
the g-string sirens walking tall.
summer fires turn winter dreams.
an old romantic's hotshot schemes.

you survived yourself.
you survived inside the lost world.
the ghosts of harm retreat.


sweet surrender to the night.
sweet surrender to the light.
the dreams of love repeat.

 Bowness & Wilson

Il CD dei No-Man dal titolo Schoolyard Ghosts (su Amazon.it)

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